
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holidays in Our House - by Lee

Our house is a little weird. We are not Jewish and we are not Christian but we celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah. Our people were raised in houses that celebrate Christmas, so while they don't consider themselves Christian, they do observe many of the traditions of this celebration that have been passed down by their families.

Hanukkah is a different story. It started in 2002 or 2003. The Lady had a Jewish client who invited her to have Hanukkah dinner, and she fell in love. She insisted that the Man make some of this food. So, the first year they did a Hanukkah themed holiday party. It just grew from there. We now have Hanukkah dishes, Hanukkah decorations, a Menorah, Hanukkah books, and our Hanukkah bush. [Ok, it is just an upside down Christmas tree with silver and blue balls and some other Hanukkah decorations, but our Lady loves it more than her Christmas tree].

Christmas at our house is quiet. We don't have a big dinner, we don't visit people. Usually Uncle Chris comes over. It is just our 3 people and us. There are calls etc to friends and family, but it is low key. The Lady is ok with this, actually she really likes it. It is so chill and relaxed. Hanukkah is the stressed out holiday (minus trying to find the perfect gift).  Man and Lady go all out for the annual Hanukkah dinner with brisket and latkes and donuts. Some of their long time friends have actually thought they were Jewish (or part Jewish). It is now Lady's favourite holiday of the year. She says she thinks it is because the food so so excellent and it is really just about food and friends, like all holidays should be.

[Man and Lady's Hanukkah party has become very "popular" and legendary with their circle and there is sort of a waiting list to get invited as they try and keep it "reasonable" about 12, each year, so they can visit and enjoy it].

That is how things work here. Sunday is our big dinner. We will be debuting our wonderful Hanukkah bandanas from Mollie and Alfie's shop. [Mollie, Lady has hidden them and saved them so we couldn't eat them]. If you haven't been there, stop by, they have some really cool stuff. We will share how wonderful we look next week.

Checking out the tree


  1. I really love how you've incorporated Jewish and Christian holiday traditions and made them your own and included all of your friends--I also LOVE the tree!!

  2. Love your upside down tree. We think it is fun to celebrate other traditions too.
    Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. How wonderful! Double the reason to celebrate.

  4. Hmmmm maybe being from down under (Australia) I should do an upside down tree too :)

  5. That's really cool. I've thought about having an upside down tree but I get a real tree so not sure how that would work..... LOL.

  6. That is a very unique tree. We love your special traditions.

    Millie & Walter

  7. Very very cool tradition! The upside down tree is amazing....!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  8. Hmm upside down tree .. thats interesting

    Welcome to join my blog

  9. Mum LOVES the tree, the fact that youse celebrate both holidays is really cool!!
    Love Milo :)

  10. I absolutely LOVED THIS POST! You are too funny! My first husband was Catholic, (I am Jewish) and I am the complete opposite of you, I think Chanukah is sooooooooo boring (I think you need to invite me to your party to change my mind) and I am completely in love with Christmas!!!
    Your "upside-down" tree is too creative and HILARIOUS!!!
    I love how you have embraced Chanukah, now go and get my invitation ready!

  11. SHE saw upside down Christmas trees in Texas in a restaurant. They were hanging from the ceiling...obviously so they didn't take up table space--wouldn't want to mess with their profits.

    XXXOOo Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  12. Sounds like you have made a fun tradition !
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  13. You tree is upsidedown?

    We don't celebrate anything ... we enjoy the time off, though.

  14. Wow that's awesome! Looks like you have lots of fun!

  15. Bawawhhahahhwaa love the upside down tree, that is sooooo cool. We are having a quiet one this year :) xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie


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