
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

This, That and the Other Thing!

Catch up day!

First yesterday, we were excellent walkers to make our Lady a liar about how we are. Phody thought it was one of the best walks of his life because we found this:

A ball, a ball, a great new to him ball!  

Now on to address some comments we wanted to address for a while, but Lady wouldn't let us.

Molly asked about Hailey's colouring. In the picture of her relaxing posted last week in, "I've got this down" her legs look really brown. This is because they are really brown. It really depends on the light how clearly you can see them. She also has brown spots on her head and on her cheeks. Lady says it makes her very pretty and special.

Sully suggested we that attack Baggy while he is sleeping in a sun puddle. We know that if we do this, he is likely to kill us in our sleep. He has us trained to leave him alone. 

Because stuffies don't last long in our house (some last longer than others) Lady tends to buy them at Value Village. She has found the kids ones often last as long if not longer than expensive dog ones.

Nin is allowed on the counter now because he is old and sometimes it is the only place he can go to get away from humpy Hailey.

For all our friends who don't like a kong, please feel free to send them to us. 


Happy first day of October


  1. That so remind me of a t commercial we have on tv here - check it out - we love it and you will see why finding a ball is soooo special

  2. YAY! A new ball is always fun. I used to have one in my back yard that I pushed around with my paw or would chase if Mom threw it for me but nowadays I don't do much ball chasing!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  3. We'd send you a kong if we had one but looks like Phod would prefer tennis balls. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. That ball is a great find! I would send you a kong if I had one!

    Your pal, Pip

  5. That ball looks like Murphy and Stanley has played with it first...we understand about baggy eating on the counter cos Mean ole Cat dietzman has to eat on the table on the porch to get away from us, and we still terrorize him. Someday he will probably smother us also in our sleep...that is why we sleep on detail....we are gonna blog about that soon.
    Enjoyed your post!!
    stella rose

  6. WOW.... you found a REAL TREASURE on your walkie!! BRAVO.
    You will have to go BACK to that SAME spot and see if any more have Sprouted. We didn't know it was T.Ball season.

  7. You two are smart to give Baggy his space...'cause FYI we cats have eyes all over our heads and our ears can hear what you are thinking.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. Ball?? You found a ball?? Wow, you found the bestest thing EVER!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. A ball is a GREAT find!! I get a little obsessive with some of my balls, they have to be just right, like the new kong air ball that Dad got for me. I get a little too excited when the ball is JUST RIGHT!
    Bailey & Hazel too

  10. Yeah, balls are wonderful! I'm gonna tel my Mom to buy me kid stuffies! BOL!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  11. We love our kongs! We love anything with food.

    We (grudgingly) agree that Baggy, being a senior cat should have SOME privileges, BUT still needs to be chased occasionally.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  12. Great find. That looks like a well seasoned ball too!


  13. Baggy must be one mean hombre. Maybe if you shared your new old ball he'd be nicer.

    Aroo to you,

  14. Hi. Thanks, for comin' by and saying those nice things about Tadpole!

    Floridagirl (AKA Ragdoll mommy~)

  15. Beamer's a pro at finding tennis balls by the tennis court near our house. It always makes his day and I've given him the ever prestigious title of "ball sniffer".

  16. New tennis balls are fantastic
    Benny & Lily

  17. There's nothing better than finding a tennis ball on a walk :)

  18. Oh that is the greatest find ever, apart from a dead Squirrel BOL xxooxx

    Mollie and Alfie


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