
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

You Go Girl!

A picture of Lee demanding love -
this is the perfect belly rub position
I am very proud of my girl. We had friends over yesterday (it was Labour Day weekend after all), and the friends had 2 boys aged 5 and 7. Of course when they first came, Hailey was very upset and nervous. She barked and barked and barked.  Hailey barking made these kids who aren't use to dogs very nervous, so they would run and scream and it didn't help.

After a bit (once everyone had sort of settled), we coached  the boys to deal with her. We taught the boys to be assertive with Hailey and Hailey started to listen. It helped that they were giving her treats and chips. So while she didn't want them to touch her and she still wanted to keep her distance, she did calm down.

I was so proud of her! Her calming down was rewarded with a thunderstorm that made her extra nervous, but she did so much better with the kids!  I of course forgot to take pictures.

August Pet Expenses:

Vet: $420.45 - this includes Phod's annual check up and shots, Nin's blood work and the cats food (we have to get it at the clinic)
Dog food and a replacement leash and treats: $91.50

For a total of: $511.95


Tomorrow is a special day, please remember to stop by!


  1. YAY Hailey! Sounds like she's handling things better already...bless her heart.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. Woohoo. Good job Hailey handling all dat stress. Next time when they visit… it will be easier.
    Yikes…. Pet expenses for Aug. I'm glad Mom doesn't keep track of mine. On the other hand… I'm sure I've not nothing to worry about cuz her peep expenses would be BIGGER.

  3. May be in time Lee will get use to having people around. Wow that was some bill. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Good job Hailey. We are nuts when our little grandmonsters first walk in the house but after about 5 min. we calm down and lay by them, or sit on their laps or go play with them. Its just that we love them soooo much that we get really excited. When they don't calm down tho , we don't either so it is a two way street. Good job Hailey!!!!!!
    stella rose

  5. Great for Hailey!!! Sounds like progress.
    Yikes for the expenses.
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  6. Good job, Hailey! Beamer isn't a fan of kids, either, but he'll tolerate them if they feed him. Cheeky bugger.

  7. We had an expensive month, too...annual vet check ups and needles.

    Good for Hailey--kids can be sooooo difficult. Most don't listen when they're told how to behave around pups. Glad the treats and chips helped. Too bad about the storm..unfair.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. Yay Hailey! Great job! I think it's awesome that you got the kids' to help out with this.

  9. Glad to hear Hailey did well with the kids. We love her technique for getting belly scratches. We do something similar when our dad is laying on the bed watching TV.

    Millie & Walter

  10. YAY Hailey!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. We WILL come by tomorrow! And yes my cats enjoyed their food! You have CATS?!

  12. I have to warm up to kids myself but it helps if they give me treats. I'll stop by tomorrow seen you then.

    Aroo to you,

  13. You're worth every penny!!! I hope my Human doesn't start keeping a running total like that though. I'm not that nice and she might begin to think. . . But no, she wouldn't -- would she????

  14. so many expenses!!! But glad you were able to have a good lesson with Hailey and the kids :)

  15. We hope you had a great time with your friends! So sweet

  16. Way to go Hailey, I bark at little people and strangers in the house xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie


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