
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Too co-operative?

Sort of keeping in the spirit of Halloween (which was weird for us because it was our first Halloween in the country so this meant 0 trick or treaters), I thought I would share some more dog "torture" pictures.

When you look at our Halloween picture, you can see a clear difference between Zaphod and the other pets. He looks almost happy. I think the difference is he spends his life trying to make us happy and gets joy out of that. Hailey spends her life . . . well being Hailey and doing her own thing. Nin spends his life looking for a lap to sit on and Baggy spends his life plotting to take over the world. For the first time ever we have a dog who will tolerate being dressed up. His reward for this? Getting dressed up more. I am sure over time he will learn to not be so co-operative which means I really have to enjoy this while it lasts!

Here he is wearing one of the man's sweatshirts (this is the one ancient piece of clothing I allow in the house - I believe it must be close to 20 years old - I am just waiting for it to die!)

I know I rock it!


  1. Ha! He does look like he's loving it!

  2. Just a natural model! Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. One cool dude!

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  4. Hey Lee, Hey Phod, Jetty here.

    Dude, you do rock it... I, another manly man, also tolerate getting dressed up. Both Koko, may she be frolicking OTRB, and JJ prefer to remain au natural... guess they're both tomboys!

  5. man here. Did the math and the shirt is 23 years old.

  6. You look pawsome!

    Nubbin wiggles,


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