
Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Ghost of Gemi

In her life, Gemini had a lot of really weird habits.  She didn't want to play with toys, she didn't want either Loki or Hailey to play with toys, she wanted to gather them and put them in a pile. Of course, Loki, Hailey or we would move them and she would patiently put them back. We have not seen this type of behaviour with Hailey or Zaphod. So imagine my surprise when I got home from work and found this:

A pile of tupperware that someone stole from the counter and part of Hailey's Halloween costume neatly arranged in the bed in the kitchen. This is almost exactly how Gemi would arrange things, leaving me to conclude, that Gemi's Ghost visited us! 

Our Gemi


  1. Gemi just stopping by to say Hi. What a sweet thought. Have a super Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. How sweet. We hope you're having a nice Sunday. I sometimes call Tereza and Ateret looks confused. Tereza has been gone for five years now. Then, every once in a while, I call somebody Bobbi, and she'll be gone ten years on 12/19. I think they've visited me in their own way. Gemi was a cute dog.

    1. The other day I almost wrote Loki instead of Lee. They really stay with you. Gemi was very cute!

  3. Gemi, popped by to get things organized for you..How sweet is that :) Have a great Sunday folks, better leave an extra treat out tonight :) x00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. She would not like how Lee and Phod had things organized, that is for sure!

  4. Oh, that is soooo lovely. Apparently She is convinced that the spirits of all Her beloved Scotties reside in our home. Although nothing as wonderful as this has happened here. We agree, you'd better leave out an extra treat tonight.

    RooOOoodles, Bobby & Finlay

    1. Our Lady didn't know if you moved if they would come, but I guess if you bring the urn.

  5. Kinda spooky but sweet too. My nanny says she's seen the ghost of mummy's old cat on occasion xx


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