
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Operation - No where to sit - by Lee

As our people caught on to the counter game and started doing a darn good job at not leaving things for us to surf, we had to try something different. So, we launched operation no where to sit. Our goal being to destroy the bench that isn't even 2 months old so they would have no place to sit and put on their shoes. No shoes = no going out. 

The man came home to this. 

When the Lady came home (she had been gone forever. She said it was only 36 hours, but we said it felt like forever), she interrogated us again. We missed her so much and we did feel a little bad that she was unhappy. 

We have heard that our Lady is going to find a steal cage and we will be crated when they go out. We think this is all talk, but she seems a little frustrated with us. She said something about wanting nice things. We thought we were nice things! She also said that we had been doing such a good job about being trustworthy, she doesn't know what got into us. I told her to read the blog. She sighed and went and unpacked and did dishes. 


  1. Oh no puppies! You could get into trouble if you keep eating things. What if you accidentally swallow something bad? Stay safe my puppies!

  2. Dear me and it isn't even Mischief Monday. Love their adorable faces. Phod just looks at you with such love. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. If Phod is the mischief maker, he at least feels bad about it! We have enough mischief for a whole week of it!

  3. Hahaha, of course. It's always when you give them that wee bit of trust that they turn around and chew something to bits. Plus side- maybe Ikea and some new boxes can help make your bench pretty again??

    1. Maybe . . . . It would be nice not to always have to be replacing things.

  4. Oh wow it looks your operation was a total success! (Sorry for the lady and less than 2 months old bench!)

  5. Oh no, not the crate, I thought you did a fantastic job..bol, Oh wez feelz terriblez, loads of our buddies for some reason, went into the spam folder, which wez never check, youz was one of them..Wez dug youz out :) Big hugs xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. OK, so some doggie was wicked, doesn't look like those two to us!

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

    1. Maybe other dogs come in when Lady is out. Good idea to tell her that!

  7. Naughty, naughty puppies! Mommies need nice things! But puppies need mommy home, huh?

    1. Lady knows she hasn't been home enough and it won't get better til December, but our Man is home more. So it is not like we are all alone forever!

  8. Uh oh! I do have to say that Zaphod really does look like he feels bad, Hailey.....not so much. LOL!

  9. These silly pups! So much trouble, but so much cuteness!

  10. So not cool! Completely agree with Bassetmomma, Phod looks like he feels guilty and Lee doesn't! Good thing they're so darn cute. Maggie and Duke have to be confined to the kitchen while we're out, otherwise they redecorate the house with homemade confetti. It was either my winter gloves or Mr.Man's boots last time...

    Do you have a room that you could dog proof? I don't recommend the folding wire crates, it's too easy for them to shred the bottom plastic tray or bend the wires. (I should have taken pictures...)The shelter gave us 2 XL plastic airline crates with metal doors, we used them for 2-3 years and donated them back with minimal wear. Good luck with your Punk Dogs!

    1. Oh we know that crates are easy to destroy. Lee has destroyed 2. Unfortunately our new house dose not have an easy area to contain them. We have them blocked from the basement. We can keep our bedroom door and bathroom door closed. We think it will have to be the kitchen with something blocking them. They only had access to kitchen/dining room/front hall when this happened. Sigh!

  11. Sounds like you had a visit by those evil destructive birds!! i'd be extra nice to your humans if i were you!

    1. We know. It is very unsafe that other creatures can come in and do these things!

  12. Hey Lee, Hey Phod, Jet here.

    Uh oh, busted... good try with the puppy eyes, seems like your Lady didn't buy it though. I offer you my legal representation (I have my certificate from Scooby Doo Academy) should further interrogation persist.

    In the meantime, I recommend stellar behavior for the foreseeable future!


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