
Thursday, November 8, 2012

If you go away you are gonna pay -by Lee and Phod

Lee: Dear blog readers let me tell you about how horrible my life is.

Phod: Let me just say, I don't know if I agree with Lee, I . . . 

Lee: Ignore him, he is a people pleaser. Anyway, for 2 weeks my people didn't leave us much. They were sick and stuff so we got to have them all day and I didn't have to wear my stupid hug [editors note: Hug = ThunderShirt]. This week they have been back to work and I have been mad and I have shown them.

Phod: I told her not to. Anything I did was because she made me. I want to make her happy too. I just want everyone to be happy.

Lee: The first thing I orchestrated was "Operation No Cookies for you." I made Phod surf the counter and get this container that had people peanut butter cookies that my Lady made for the Man, and we ate them."

Pieces of the broken cookie container

Phod: Lady, if it makes it better, they were good and I feel shame. When you and the Man found it, I cowered on the floor and peed. I really am trying to be good. 

[Editor's note: Fortunately they were just peanut butter, sugar and egg, so safe for bad pups to eat]

Lee: I do not feel bad. I am only mad that you did a better job at putting the good stuff far back on the counter. However, I showed you by making my own fun with what you left me.  I put in place "Operation Hot Potato".

The bag of potatoes all over the floor

Phod: I was excited, I thought they were balls, this is why you found some even in the basement, I knocked them down. Then I realized these weren't balls and Lady would be mad, so I cowered when she came home, but I didn't pee today.

[Editor's note: it breaks my heart when he cowers and shakes and waits for a beating. When this happens I just ignore him and I hope this will go away].

Lee: I don't think this made the Lady mad enough. She just said "Oh Hailey, what will I do with you!" I will have to think of something else tomorrow (the Lady is working at home today so I can annoy her in other ways). I don't want to do anything dramatic like eat the wall again (for those who may be new to my blog that I will kinda share with Phod click here). That makes them too mad, I need something that makes them the right amount of mad. I will go to dog shaming and look for ideas. Soon they will stay home all the time with me.


  1. I'm really not sure that this is the right approach to getting your parents to stay home with you, but I guess it was worth a try and hey, if nothing else it must have been fun playing with those potatoes! LOL!

    1. We will try anything to get them to give us the love we deserve!

  2. Rock on guy'z, that the way to do it..Umm I hope..Finking about it, I hopes they don't stick you in a free food room, oh well youz can always find load'z of stuff in a house to play wiff. Mom's shoe'z are a good one..BOL xx00xx

    1. Lee has eaten shoes before. She has eaten about everything! she is a naughty pup!

  3. BOL - trouble equals constant guardianship, right?


  4. Hahaha... this is too funny guys...

  5. Oh my and it isn't even mischief Monday. Sorry we have been laughing but at least you still have a wall. BOL. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. It is ok to laugh, our Lady does, it is the only way she survives us!

  6. Bahahaha. The best part is I think I can hear your dog's voices while I read it.

  7. Hmmmm you sure gave me some ideas of things to do! BOL!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. Hey Lee, Hey Phod, Jet here.

    OMD, we think you should repost this for Mischief Monday!!! Mom laughed in commiseration (VBP - vocab builder project), since she has some experience with K9 kitchen mischief. (Naturally before my time!)

    Lee, perhaps you need some family therapy for your anger issues??? Phod, we promise the Lady and Man will not hurt you... as you gain courage, you can make your own decisions instead of carrying out Lee's wishes. My dear golden sister, Koko (OTRB), had the same issue with Puffy. Apparently, he got her to do his bidding and then SHE got in trouble!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jet. We are sure by Monday we will have more Mischief, that is 3 whole days away! Phody is working on doing what he wants and not being so scared, but it is a little hard. We hope you have a good day. Lee and Phod

  9. The potatoes look fun to play with! Might have to try that...


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