
Sunday, October 7, 2012

What I am thankful for - by Zaphod

I am thankful to Gloria, Jenn and everyone at Catahoula who helped get me out of that scary place and find people who love me so much.
I am thankful for my Lady and Man and Lee and Nin and Baggy (even if he scares me). I love them all so much I may be thankful I got lost or dumped or whatever. I think they love me more then where I was before.
I am thankful that Baggy has not killed me in the night like he says he can do every day.
I am thankful to have food every day.
I am thankful for brushes.
I am thankful for playing ball (even if my people don't play it enough, maybe I can train them. The Big Guy knows how to play it better).
I am thankful for swimming in the lake (although I am a little sad it is getting to cold).
I am thankful for love and pets and babies and toys.
Really I am just thankful for everything.

Happy Thanksgiving


  1. Have a super Sunday and enjoy the long weekend.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Hi guy'z,we couldn't get back to you, as when you poped over your link didn't come up..Wez found you now though :) Have a Happy Thanksgiving xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Glad you found us, sorry you had to search! Thanks for coming over! Hailey and Zaphod

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Lee and Zaphod have a lot to be thankful for!


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