
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Photo Shoot

Here are some of my favourite pictures from out photo shoot in the path around our house yesterday. Enjoy!

The view from the end of our drive way (the way to the lake)

Lee and Ghost, our neighbours dog, meet on the path

Hang on, the dogs are going different ways!

Trying to get us lined up for the picture
The wild turkeys had left our sight, so we could sit for a picture!

Home sweet home!


  1. What lovely views you have. Great place for the dogs. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. What a nice place! With nature like that surrounding you, it must always a beautiful day in the neighbourhood :)

  3. What beautiful photos! Trees are changing color so nicely. It should be really fun to walk looking at such lovely scenery :-)

  4. What a beautiful home and such a gorgeous area! You're truly blessed. :)

  5. What a beautiful place you have! The picture of the three of you turned out great!!

  6. Wow, your place is gorgeous! The pictures are all great, I love the 3 of you in the leaves.

  7. What a lovely house and views you have..SWOP :) XX00XX
    Mollie and Alfie

  8. We are very lucky to live in Paradise. Thanks for stopping by!
    Hailey and Zaphod

  9. Wow! Stunning pictures. Seems like you guys have a great place to call home. Definitely a dog's paradise!


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