
Monday, September 17, 2012

Company - by Lee

2 big guys lovin'
My Lady says she was a bad blogger over the weekend cause we had our first over night house guests out here in Paradise. Her parents, also known as Grammie and the Big Guy came for a visit. I was so excited to see my Grammie. She is one of my very favourite people in the world. I just love to jump and climb on her.  I love the Big Guy too.

They had never met Zaphod, and I am a little put out that they said they wanted to take him home with them. Actually when I have had some of my misadventures, my Grammie has always thought my Lady may drive me to her house and leave me there. I don't think I would be any more relaxed there.
Me snuggling with Grammie

Big Guy and Phod played so much ball, that he threw up, so at least he wasn't perfect.

My extended pack got to see me truly anxious for the first time. Grammie said it broke her heart. We had rain on Friday night and some fireworks on Saturday. I had to wear my thunder shirt. It was horrible. Before the fireworks on Saturday we all had a snuggle on the couch. 4 adults, the 2 dogs and Nin and Baggy.

The Big Guy said next time they come they may bring their dogs, Tendra who I love and Barley who I have never met. They are big fun labs. This house and lot is big enough for 4 big dogs. My lady's city house was not. It wasn't big enough for 2 big dogs. That will be fun.

It was nice to have my pack visit.

So I am sorry we didn't get to blog over the weekend and my Lady says to tell you there won't be a blog on Thursday and Friday as she is away for training. She is sad about missing our lives, but says things will quiet down come October and we will get lots of love and snuggles.


  1. Good luck with the training. Have a wonderful Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Awwww grandparents are the best. Eleanor LOVES her grandpa.

  3. We are lucky pups to have such great grandparents!

  4. Hi Guys,

    I know how your Mum feels, sometimes time just flies when you're having fun, I bet your big play date will be great when you have it!! :)

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)


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