
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nightmares in dogs?

I have mentioned before that Lee is a dreamer. She did occasionally have dreams that involved some whimpering and twitching. However this past week she has been having what I would describe as nightmares. She is yelping or howling herself and us awake. You know it must be bad when I, the girl who sleeps through fire alarms, is woken up by it. I didn't know a dog could have nightmares. A Google search revealed it does happen. As a sufferer of chronic nightmares I empathize with her.  I also wonder why it is happening. Any ideas?


  1. Maybe because someone keeps dressing her up.

  2. Rocket has a lot of nightmares! sometimes he will wake up from a nightmare, and still think he's in the nightmare and he'll jump up and bark like there's an intruder. once he looks around and realizes no one is there he'll stop. yuki will look at him like he's crazy since she doesnt really have nightmares.

  3. Halladay has these too.. he sounds like a squeaky toy when they happen. Not sure if it's a dream or nightmare though?

  4. Poor Lee! I hope it's nothing too scary. Any dog medication?


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