
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Neglect - by Lee

Yesterday I was very happy because my Lady was home. I love when she is home. It is much easier to guard her when she is home. While she gave me lots of love and we played with my giraffe, she did neglect me. She did not take me out for a long walk. She told me she was cancelling the day due to lack of interest. I think she was just being neglectful. I told her repeatedly I needed to go out, I kept asking to go out in the backyard. She said it was annoying and we went upstairs to bed. While I love a bed nap. I wanted my walk with her.

This morning she is up and dressed but she says the Man is taking me out cause she has to go to work for a few hours. Sigh! I hope tomorrow she is less neglectful.

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