
Friday, February 17, 2012

Feline Friday - Who done it?

The crime scene: A kitchen in Ottawa.
Crime was discovered at approximately 7 am on a Saturday morning.

The suspects:

Hailey Bug: This pouch has a reputation for getting into things. Unlike most nights, she was not locked in the room with her people. She had refused to come to bed and was left sleeping on the couch. 

Bags and Nin: This crime duo has a reputation of getting into the garbage. 

When questioned:

Hailey Bug said: I was back upstairs when this occurred, it can't be me. I would never do something bad like get into the garbage. 

Bags said: It was that stupid dog. You should get rid of her. 

Nin: What mess? What is the garbage? 

The people now make sure there is nothing "exciting" in the garbage at night and Lee is made to go to bed. Lesson learned.


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