
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Emma edition


  1. What an adorable pup you have!

    Yuki and Rocket

  2. awww she was so tiny and so cute.. she still is!
    From G!

  3. In this picture she almost looks like a mini Hailey! Emma is such a little sweetie. I'm so happy she found such a loving family to become part of. :)

  4. Emma is a sweetie! My husband says it was the best Christmas gift I never got. While I love her and I love her visiting and playing with her, she reminds me I never want another puppy! They are so much work! I get to enjoy the puppy without the commitment. Being an aunt is great!

  5. Hi Emma! Thank you for stopping by our blog today to say hi to Zoey!! You are a cutie and we hope you feel better from those treats!

  6. Ah,

    Emma is soooo cute!! Wanna play? :)

    Have a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)


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