
Friday, April 15, 2011

Mom is Home!

After 11 days with Aunt C, the Man came home. He and the pups had 4 ½ days of fun together. It went well (considering the Man’s jet lag). The Man got an appreciation for how much work the girls can be (especially in the morning before work). The only incident occurred on Wednesday, when the Man went out in the evening. We lost a second remote and someone pooped on the floor in protest.

The Lady arrived home yesterday afternoon. Feeling exhausted after 37 hours of travel around the world, she was thrilled to be greeted at the door by two very, very excited puppies. She was goosed in the bottom by a very thrilled Gemini and Hailey was beside herself with excitement. Miss Bug spent her evening touching the Lady. It was an early evening as some people were very tired and this morning the Lady was greeted by one very excited puppy, Miss Bug, who is so happy she is home. Currently Miss Cricket is remembering how angry she is at the Lady for abandoning her and leaving her with others. Miss Cricket has always done this when one of her pack has left for more than a night and will probably be over it in a few days.

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