
Monday, March 28, 2011

Don't Go!

I fear Miss Hailey Bug has figured out that we are going on vacation and she is not. At least I am using to justify her very bad behaviour today. She has not been this bad for months, if ever!

This has been our day today – all before 10 am (and may I say I woke up in the best mood as it is the last day before holidays!)

1)      After 6 months, figured out a way out of the backyard. She was just between our house and the neighbours, so I was able to easily get her. But now on our to do list is dog proof the yard again . . . 
2)      I had the guest room door open as I was packing some things this morning. I am in my room getting something and I hear “ripppppppp” and there she is yanking on the comforter and has ripped a big hole in it. I believe she was doing this because she was trying to get the cat who had climbed into my suitcase.
3)      Our walk. I had Gemi tied to my left and Lee in my hand on the right. She was not walking today, she was stalking. She had been watching cheetahs hunt on TV yesterday, so maybe she learned from it. I finally put her around my waste because I couldn’t hold her anymore and the walk went a bit better.
4)      Got home and put her in the yard (and I was with her) and she tried to get out again. As I was digging out the tie out from under the snow, somehow I cut myself and had a handful of blood.

At this moment I am thinking I should have boarded the beast. Hopefully she will behave for Aunt C who is moving in and taking care of her (bet she is an angel!).  Aunt C is going to try and keep up the blog some while I am away. I can’t wait to read about their adventures (which I am sure will be fine!)

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