
Friday, December 30, 2022

FFF Nature Friday - A White Christmas

 Thanks to our FFF host Aunty-Yam and our Nature Friday host Rosy for organizing these events.

Thanks to the storms we have been talking about all week (because what is more Canadian than weather talk), we had a white Christmas that Lady went for a snowshoe in, all by herself. 

Enjoy walking with her (because someone should since we didn't get to):

Post storm peace outside,

alone I leave my foot prints

white, crispy it dazzles

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Time With Lady - by Lee

While we were trapped at home, I did my best to care for my Lady.

First, I made sure to supervisor her very carefully when she was eating. I didn't want her to choke.

Then, when I was sleeping, I kept a paw on her, just to make sure she was safe in the storm. 

Lady said there is an advantage to it being a little cooler in the house. I am a little snugglier!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Trouble on A Tuesday - I Do Not Like Change - By Phod

Dear pals,

I think Santa must have thought I was a bad boy this year because he gave me huge changes in routine for Christmas.

First, the power was out and the wind was howling and I did not like that. Second, my people hardly left the living room. This was ok during the day, but at night they made me sleep alone because they would not sleep in the cold bedroom. During the day I had to do extra sleeping.

Then Callie and her kids (and one time her Lady) kept coming over to get water.  They don't have water on their generator hook up. We know from experience, no water is hard. All the people in and out for short times was stressful. 

Happy because she is stealing my water. 

Hailey showed some of it yesterday, but Lady and Man were moving a lot of things around. The only plug that works upstairs on the generator is in the bathroom, so this room was also the kitchen.  The living room became the dining room and bedroom. It was just a lot. 

Lady making bathroom BLTs

I am glad it is over and hope winter settles. This is just to much for an old pup!

I am not looking

I can't even

Monday, December 26, 2022

Mischief Monday - Another Storm

Dear pals,

Like 250 000 000 of our North American friends,  we had some pretty terrible weather between the 23rd and 25th of December. On the 23rd, we had rain, freezing rain, snow, sleet and terrible winds. The temperature went from a not bad 4C/40F to -15C/5F in a few hours. The 24th and morning of the 25th was more snow and blowing snow and it was colder. Plus we had winds of over 100km/60miles per hour. Leading up the storm, all the things were closed on the 23rd. They really tried to get people to stay home. It was so bad at times they had to close roads, stop snow removal, remove people fixing the hydro etc. People were stranded on trains and buses. There were a lot of accidents as people ventured out.  We just stayed home. 

My baby was a bit nervous with the storm. 

The storm took our our power at 6:16 am on the 23rd. It came back on the 24th just before 6 pm. We were without it for almost 36 hours.  It's return is big thanks to the Hydro team but also to Callie's Lady, who when it came back for like 2 minutes and went out again, reported the outage immediately. She also went out and talked to the crew and gave them some pop and baked goods.  There was a tree on the line somewhere near us they had to remove. We send our heartfelt thanks to the Hydro crews who yet again, had to be out in terrible weather, and away from their families at the holidays. 

Someone hates the power being out

The worst part of the storm and the continued blowing winds in our part of the world, was we postponed any family gathering for Christmas. Grammie, the Big Guy, Uncle Chris and Emma were suppose to come up. In the end, we all stayed safe in our homes.  None of us thought we should risk driving just because it was Christmas. 

Man saw this tree come down the morning of the 23rd in our front yard

It split another tree in half

Another tree fell on the road - Lady and Man cut the top off and moved it.
At the end of the road a tree fell and blocked the road, but someone else moved it. 

I, Hailey Bug, did a good job in the storm. Other than peeing under one of the trees one night, I adjusted to all the changes and routines. In fact, I rather like the bed by the fire and vote we keep it there. Phod on the other hand, did not like the change in routine, and refused to sleep by the warm fire and insisted on sleeping in the cold bedroom alone. 

Lady and Man had a pretty good set up by the fire.  With all our power outages (including 99 hours last May, they have a system). Our bed, a table for games. The TV is there as well. With enough heat and lights and internet to keep us comfortable enough.  When the heat came on, our living space was about 16C/60F - so not bad. Parts of the house we had closed off were 10C/50F.  That was too cold. 

We spent the storm by the fire, reading, playing games and watching TV. Lady says the best gift was we are all safe!

Hope all of you who were effected also stayed safe!

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Friday, December 23, 2022

Nature Friday - Winter Wonderland

 Last week - Thursday night into Friday - the snow came and came and came. We ended up with something like 35cm or 13 inches. Lady and Man got the snowblower back the day before the storm, only to find out that it had been put together incorrectly and didn't work. Man made it passable and Sunday Lady spent a good hour shovelling.

Enjoy a walk in the yard and Callie's Sugar Shack.

Our Backyard Friday morning

Our backyard Friday at lunch

Snow fever!

The sugar bush - Saturday morning

If Lady puts the leash down to make you pose, take advantage!

Side yard Sunday morning - see the deer tracks?

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Dear Santa

 Hailey's Letter:

Dear Santa,

I have sometimes tried to be a good girl this year. It is hard when you are a strong independent dog to always listen to the people. I have not really run away. I may have peed on the carpet or dog bed, but unlike the mice I did not chew the dishwasher hose 2 times or the Man's wiper fluid hose. I have been less anxious and am doing my best to age gracefully. 

For Christmas I would like:

-my sight back so I don't trip as often - it is embarrassing

-more trust from Lady so I can be free more

-the hat tax to be outlawed 

-treats and belly rubs whenever I want them

Your very good girl, Hailey Bug 

Phod's Letter

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good boy this year. Sometimes my nose leads me to Callie's house and sometimes I am scared of the power going out and I can pace and pant all night, but I try really hard to make my people happy.

All I want for Christmas is for my Man and Lady to keep loving me, lots of time with Precious and may I continue to age gracefully.

I wish all the animals in need of love find great homes like mine, but I hope they don't have a hat tax.

Thanks Santa.

Love Phod - the most handsome reindeer

Monday, December 19, 2022

Mischief Monday - Celebrating Without Us

 Dear Pals,

On Saturday night we were left alone for 87 million hours, and the power went off for 30 minutes of this (Lady came to check on us), so the peeps could go to a party next door. 

While they were having all the fun, a huge mouse came in and peed and pooped on the floor. This big mouse would feel bad except the people came home smelling like other animals and we found pictures to show what horrible traitors they are.

First up, a less than impressed Ash. She and her brother Cinder (not pictured because he knew to hide) may be 9 weeks now. 

The Man played with Callie. 

Lady laughed at Callie under the tree. 

Maybe we should be grateful Lady didn't have Santa over for some pictures. 

Milo being forced to love the Man. He stayed hidden most of the party as he is not a fan of this. 

Lady playing tug with Callie. They played a lot. Callie got lots of attention while we were suffering at home alone. 

Ash asleep in Man's arms. It took some doing, but she did settle, better than the 2 month old human at the party. 

Lady getting her smooshing Ash on. We can't believe she not only did this, but let an 8 year old take the picture. 

Lady says to say there were lots of people there - adults, kids - and they were very. nice but the pets were her favourite! 

We hope Santa brings them coal for this display.

A very unhappy Lee and Phod