
Friday, October 28, 2022

FFF and Nature Friday - The 4th Week of Fall

 Fall is fading fast.  The first picture was taken Saturday morning and the next was Sunday mid-day. 

This is likely our last post of beautiful colours for the year. We hope you have enjoyed our 4 weeks of fall!

Here are some shots from our Saturday morning sugar bush hike.

Four weeks of beauty
The time went much too fast
Snow will be here soon

Thanks to Aunty-Yam for FFF and Rosy for Nature Friday. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

I Own It - by Zaphod

Ummm excuse me Hailey


I now own this part of the yard

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A Solution To Our Mouse Problem?

Last weekend, our 10 year old neighbour M found 2, tiny kittens in the woods by her house. M has been trying to catch kittens for years.  These kittens were so little they only opened their eyes the second day they had them.


Meet Cinder and Ash

The problem is Milo has decided he hates the kittens.

Milo and Callie checking out the kittens

They are also a lot of work, as they are not litter trained and need to be feed a lot. It is hard for a family with 3 kids, who both work and have a dog and a kitten to do. 

This made Lady laugh a lot

As it was so nice out on the weekend, some of us took ourselves over to the neighbours. While there, we discussed the kittens and the neighbours (who are looking for an excellent home) asked if we wanted them. In a very safe manner, we introduced the smallest of the 2, Ash to Hailey.

Her instinct was to try and eat it.  She tried several times. So that is a no for us. The kittens are so little, they wouldn't even fight back. 

An aunt, who loves cats may take them.  We wish Cinder and Ash the best. Lady is a bit sad she can't have them, but couldn't live with herself if Lee ate one. 

Editor's Note: If you are wondering what Phod thought of the kittens, we have no idea. He had taken himself for a walk and was inspecting the sandpit the neighbours have and completely missed the kittens. 

Monday, October 24, 2022

Mischief Monday - The Mice Are Winning - by Lee

 Dear pals,

The mice are currently winning. It is not just the 15 we have had, everyone has mice. Our neighbours have never had a problem until this year. They said when they were out buying traps, the store was almost out and everyone in the aisle was saying they had never had such a problem.

Last week we had to replace the hose for the Man's windshield wiper fluid in his car and the drainage hose from the dishwasher because mice chewed them!

Is the problem the unseasonably warm temperatures? Lady is writing this post sitting outside in shorts. It is about 17C /62F.  There is no new construction around us. 

I don't like this leaf game either!

Come back tomorrow to read about a solution that we considered to our problem. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

Nature Friday - The Fading Of The Colours

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting this hop!

It is sad, but the autumn colours are quickly fading.

The first picture was taken September 30, the second October 9 and the third, October 15. This year's peak was around Thanksgiving. 

Before the colours are completely gone, we thought we would share some more. Lady has kept her word and we have been hiking the sugar bush on the weekends. Our weekday morning walks are in the dark and Lady doesn't feel comfortable being in the bush at that time.

Tolerating waiting for a picture

In exciting news, Lady was able to track down firewood. It cost a kings ransom, but it is what it is. Lady now regrets it, as it means a lot of stacking, but she is making progress, one wheelbarrow full at a time.

Start of the first day

End of the first day

End of the second day

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Not My Problem - By Lee

Excuse me, I am enjoying the sun. It is not my problem, we have a mouse problem. It is not my problem you can't have a cat because I will likely dead it. It is not my problem that hunting mice is beneath me.  I tried it once and it wasn't my thing and you didn't appreciate me dropping the dead baby mouse on your yoga mat. The Man can keep live trapping and Ubering them several kilometres away. 15 isn't nearly close to our record of 32. 

Let me get back to the sun.


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Trouble on a Tuesday - Ears - by Phod

 Dear pals,

My ears have been bugging me again and there has been some discussion about if I should go back to the vet and get the fancy treatment.

In the mean time, I have to tolerate having them cleaned.

I can be minding my own business when . . . 

The Man comes over 

And he expects me to cooperate!

The things I am forced to put up with!

your pal Phod who thinks he has the best ears that don't ever need to be cleaned.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Mischief Monday - A Missed Meal - by Phod

Dear pals,

The most horrible thing happened last Thursday. It was a day both Man and Lady were working from home and somehow neither gave us breakfast! See Man thought Lady had and since usually during the week Man feeds us (as Lady is out 2-3 days), she assumed Man was doing it. In the end neither did!

They only realized their error at dinner when we were acting so starving. It doesn't matter that 50% of the time we don't even eat all our breakfast. It is the principle of the matter.

They have been very diligent on making sure our meals are provided at the correct time. I may eventually be able to look past this.

your pal, who apparently is not really starving, Phod

Friday, October 14, 2022

Nature Friday - More Autumn

 Here are some of the pictures of autumn from last week:

In the sugar bush - yellow, orange and red!

Pausing in the sugar bush

Looking down towards the lake - the colours sure have popped!

Tolerating posing

Sniffing the fall air

Playing under the maple

Sumac and blue skies

Thanks Rosy for hosting this event. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Tolerating The Smooshes - By Phod

 Dear pals,

I was just trying to sit on the settee for some warmth and this happened:

The things I have to put up with.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Movie Night with Friends

 Dear pals,

This really great thing happened a few weeks ago. Callie's kids, Dylan and his sisters M and J came over for a movie night so their parents could go out without them.  We all had a great time and the kids want to come back soon.

Watching Hocus Pocus 2

Sharing popcorn with the girls

Babysitting is hard work

Monday, October 10, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!


We are thankful for many things! Here are a few:

Time we spent together


Ample food



Friends and family (especially all of you)

Unarguably a great Lady and Man


Can we go and catch dinner now?

What would Monday be without a little Mischief!

Friday, October 7, 2022

Nature Friday - Preparing for Winter

While the peeps begin their prep (which is not going as we would like, there is a shortage of firewood, so we may not get that), our wild neighbours are getting ready too. A couple weeks ago, we shared the deer eating the apples from the yard to prepare.

The hills are starting to change colours

The birds are doing double time at Lady's feeders and she is filling them a lot!

A chickadee

One of the new preps this year is a messy one. A squirrel has been leaving the heads of our sunflowers all over the yard. He thinks he is burying them.

One of the sunflower heads, moments after Phod checked it out

He has been spotted on the windowsill pulling the heads off and having a snack before he 'buries them.' Don't worry, when we see him on the sill, we chase him!

Lady is grateful to be able to help feed the creatures in her little corner of the world. Living with nature brings her so much joy.

Thanks Rosy for hosting this hop!