My Great-grandmother always said the years go by faster and faster as you age (even if some days can feel endless), and I have to say I am sure she is right. Looking back it feels like 2018 happened in wink! To be honest, I don't remember a lot of what happened. We had Emma for 172 days and we had a great trip over the summer and we clearly continued to live. I believe it was the heaviness of my job and how busy the Man was at work that has just made 2018 melt into the past.
Instead of doing resolutions, I am doing word of the year. 2018 was "no" in which I was somewhat successful with. I don't think I said no enough, but when I did I didn't feel bad about it, so that is something. 2018 my word will be 'calm' in hopes of actually getting to remember more of it!
Thanks to Aunt K for this perfect t-shirt!
I spoke to the pups, and they each want to have their own word of the year too.
Phod said it was easy for a word, his word is going to be 'love'. He truly does get suckier and suckier every single day. He slept on the bed with us most of the night a couple times over the holidays. This never happens. He would also like to share his love with the deer, turkeys, etc. who share our yard.
Lee had to think very hard about her word for the year and she landed on 'helpful'. She thought there was more she could be doing to make our lives better, and help make me get to live my word 'calm'.
She asked I share some examples of her helping:
Watching me cook (I so rarely do it, it was a likely a marvel)
Helping clean up the kitchen when I dropped food while cooking
Supervising my eating - she was there to help me finish it if I needed it.
To all our friends all over the world, may 2019 bring you peace and joy.