
Monday, January 29, 2018

Mischief Monday - Things That Won't Go In The Night

The face of an angel

Scene: The wee hours of Saturday morning, a bedroom in Paradis.
Players: Miss Hailey Bug and the Man 
Supporting cast: Lady, Phod, Emma

Scratch, scratch, scratch.
Get back into bed, it is not time to go out.
Scratch, scratch, scratch
Hailey get on the bed.
Scratch, scratch, scratch
Fine I will take you out.

Fast forward maybe 5 minutes. Hailey and the Man have been out and everyone is back in the house. The bedroom door is open.

Tap, tap, tap, tap (nails on the floor in the house)
Tap, tap, tap, tap 

Who knows how long this went on as Lady went back to sleep.

In the morning the Man discovered that Hailey had both peed on a blanket on the floor downstairs and by the back door. Apparently when he took her out, she wouldn't go. He thought maybe she had just heard something. 

Cleaning up a spot
Saturday night, she was last out around 1 am (the Man was up late) and when Lady took her out around 7:30 on Sunday she wouldn't go. It wasn't until around 11 she finally went. We are wondering a couple things: If she has some sort of infection (she has no other behaviour change, her pee looks fine and she doesn't appear to have pain, so we will watch her); If she is mad that Emma is still here; That she is mad she hasn't had a walk since last Monday (come back Thursday to find out why). 

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Snuggly Saturday

Phod and Emma keeping Lady company as she walks on the treadmill. 

Friday, January 26, 2018

Final Friday Fiction Blog Hop

We are joining our first final Friday fiction blog hop, hosted by our dear friend Yamini. Click on her name for a link to the rules. Basically you pick a book, open it to page 87 of a book and take words/phrases from lines 8, 12 and 16 and create a piece of fiction or prose. 

Keeping with the dog blog theme, here is our entry (and like all good fiction is inspired by real life).

The book: Norwegian by Night by Derek B. Miller

The phrases:
They created this moment.
 -finite wisdom, is taking them.
The Serbs came in uniform, walking slowly.

Our entry:

No reply.
No reply.
Bark, bark.
Walking slowly the person reaches the door.
Roll, roll.
It is taking them a long time to find the perfect place to go.
No reply.
No reply.

The perfect moment to disobey.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Thanks Phenny - by Lee

Last week the post carrier came to our box at the end of the road and left a very special parcel. It was a birthday gift for me from my dearest pal Phenny. 

Here is what was inside:

A card with George Pig on it (he is Peppa's brother, our human cousins have taught Lady that), a disc and a wonderful chew.

I was thrilled to be the only dog getting a treat and ran went to my spot on the bed and chewed away! It didn't last long cause it was soooooooooooooo good!  

Phenny asked us to tell him him how to destroy the disc cause he has the same one. So far the 3 of us haven't figured it out yet, but we will keep working at it!

Thanks dear Phenny, we really appreciate your thoughtfulness! 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Sleeping Girl

Life has been busy in different ways lately and a bit stressful. There is no better stress relaxer than watching a happy and tired girl sleep!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Mischief Monday - My Counter Surfer

While my girl is in a good place overall, one of the habits we have not been successful in breaking is counter surfing. Every night after dinner (and sometimes while we are eating and sometimes after breakfast) you will find Hailey in the kitchen licking the counters. We call her off, we tell her to sit etc. but this doesn't stop her from going back. 

As a good blogger, I made sure to capture some pictures yesterday after our pancake breakfast (one of her favourites), before sending her out.

Pre-washing the frying pan

Cleaning the counters

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Friday, January 19, 2018

Hailey watching TV

We have been watching the mini-series Godless on Netflix.  Hailey loves the horses! 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Emma - Week One

Cousin Emma is living with us until July 1, 2018 (164 more days) as Uncle Chris has been assigned to the UK until then. She arrived last Wednesday. This was a few days earlier than planned but the weather didn't look good so to make sure she got here (as Uncle Chris was leaving regardless), he brought her here.

The first few days were a little rough for our girl. She was very upset and threw up a lot. It was weird because it would be hours after she ate. We cut out treats and waited to introduce our food. By day 3, her stomach seemed to settle and we haven't had a problem since. 

She also hasn't liked the extreme cold and a few days Lady has had to carry her outside to use the potty. Lady is happy to report Emma hasn't had any accidents since arriving.  She has a history of liking to pee on the dining room floor.

Other that stealing Phod's Precious (a second has been brought into the house), we have no issues. We are lucky everyone gets along and everyone can find a spot in the bed!

We are sure there will be some adventures over the next 5 months!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tasty Tuesday - What Was I Thinking?

Note: I love the company Hero - they employ soldiers with PTSD and/or their families, and they are Canadian. The following has nothing to do with the quality of their product, more to do with me . . . .

On Christmas Day, when I opened these treats, the treats I had picked out for Christmas, my first thought was WTF!  What the heck was I thinking getting furry rabbits feet. They have the bones and nails. I could barely hold them, I was so creeped out. 

While I was creeped out the following happened:

Zaphod ate his so quickly I didn't have a chance to get a picture.
It took Hailey a bit to figure it out, but she got it eaten (see below).
Emma wouldn't eat hers, she just carried it around and as Phod was trying to sneak it, I eventually took it from her and put it away. 

Now that they have had them a couple times, I am not as bothered, although I am not sure they will be my first choice the next time I go treat shopping. (Which will be a long time as Uncle Chris has left a lot of treats for the pups while he is away)

Monday, January 15, 2018

Mischief Monday - Destroying Disturbed - by Hailey

The other day I was sitting on my bed, happily destroying a toy. It was a cold day and my walk had been sort so I decided the toy needed to go. 

I am minding my own business when Phod comes over. 

Before I knew it, he was trying to mount me to get him to play.  I told him right off and he moved along.

Then I got back to destroying my toy. 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Happy Birthday - Hailey

Today we celebrate our girl's 8th birthday! It is hard to believe we have all survived to see this day. While she bring so much joy and energy to our house, she was a very difficult dog those first few years and looking back I am really not sure how we got through it all. However, if I could do it again, I probably would . . . .

Here are 8 fun facts about our girl:

1. We call her Hailey Bug because her last foster mom had nicknamed her Bug because her niece was Hailey (and Hailey was a huge bug-ger). We had called our previous dogs Loki Worm and Gemini Cricket as nicknames, so it was perfect.

2. Hailey is super food motivated. The picture above was taken outside, off leash. She is posing for a cookie.

3. If you touch Hailey in her sleep, she will tell you off!

4. Her morning routine is walk, breakfast and then back to bed for a nap.

5. She will scratch the door to tell you she or Phod needs to go out.  Sometimes she scratches it for attention.

6. If you ask her where her dish is, she will go to it and smack it.

7. She is starting to go really grey around her mouth.  The only sign she is aging (besides her mellowing out).

8. She is an obsessive bum licker (for no medical reason, just because she can!)

She still has her puppy eyes


A special thanks to Madi and her Mom for this wonderful card!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Flower Friday - From Jamaica!

Today we going Rosy for Flower Friday. I took this picture in Jamaica in November because I knew we wouldn't have any flowers hear for months. If memory serves me, this is a banana plant! 


Tomorrow is Miss Hailey Bug's 8th birthday so be sure to stop by to celebrate!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

I Don't Have A Problem - By Phod

Falling asleep holding my Precious

My people think I have a problem. They think I am too obsessed with my house Precious. Yes, I like to keep it near me most of the time. Yes, if I can't find it/remember where I put it/the Man thinks it is funny to hide it, I get worried and won't stop searching until I find it. I think this is just taking care of thing I love.

Here are some special moments I spent with Precious last week.

On the couch while watching TV
I wanted to play fetch with it while Lady was in the bath

While supervising Lady working at home
While Lady did yoga
While I was sleeping on the couch
This is how I know it isn't a problem. I got too hot on the couch and moved to the other couch and left Precious and Hailey got into my spot and I was totally fine with her sleeping with it. Lady says it is just because I was tired and forgot. But I disagree.

Emma arrives tomorrow for her 6 month stay. I really hope my peeps will let me keep it with me until spring. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Keeping Active During The Deep Freeze

Like many of you, we spent most of the 2 weeks post-Christmas in record breaking cold. With the wind, it felt like -40C/F (they feel the same). 

My dogs don't do well in the cold, so we minimize our time outside (sometimes to like 30 seconds, just long enough for business). For the most part they did really well without their daily exercise. We did get 2 lovely days in a row and had long walks, and if the forecast was right, starting yesterday and for the foreseeable future, it should be more reasonable temperatures (like closer to freezing).

We have been dusting off our assorted puzzle toys. 

We always talk about how brilliant our girl is (and she is) and we don't give our boy enough credit for being smart. He is also very smart, he is just much quieter about it. He is actually much better at doing puzzles because he isn't as food driven as Hailey and he is focused and careful. 

Hailey is impatient (she is so like me in this regard) and just tries to use brute force to get the treats out.

Phod finished his puzzle first, so he went over and helped Hailey. She was totally fine with this. We are lucky they don't fight over food! He remembered you just had to lift up a piece to get the food. 

Once Phod had enough, Hailey used her force to get the last of the cookies out. 

What is your dog's puzzle strategy?